Auszeichnung als ´inVISION Top Innovation 2015´

Die Imaging-Fachzeitschrift inVISION hat die OLED-Backlight-Beleuchtung seelector Lux OLED von hema electronic zur Top Innovation 2015 gewählt. Die Jury würdigt damit den Beitrag, die Themen Bildverarbeitung und optische Messtechnik weiter voran zu bringen. An der Abstimmung zum innovativsten Produkt des Jahres nahm neben der inVision-Redaktion eine unabhängige Jury von Experten teil. Mehr Informationen...

zum inVISION-Newsletter 01/15

The development venture of medium-sized businesses, research  facilities and Philips Lighting  for the  Innovation Fair Thuringia Erfurt

The Innovation Fair Thuringia Erfurt is an innovation fair of  the Foundation for Technology, Innovation and Research in Thuringia. Also this year the Innovation Fair offered Thuringian companies, universities and research institutions the possibility, to present  their innovations and products to other companies and institutions to trade experts, representatives from government, industry and interested citizens. With career and study information as well as experiments to join in students have been also invited to the Innovation Fair Erfurt. So they got a good occason to familiarize themselves with the technology in Thuringia and its opportunities for well-trained professionals.


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